There are generally three primary colors of LED full-color displays on the market, namely: single color, dual primary colors, and full color! The following is a brief introduction to the three-color LED full-color display.
1. Monochromatic – the light-emitting pixels that make up the LED display have only one color, generally red or green. Due to the high cost of blue LEDs, they are generally only used to make full-color screens. Monochromatic LEDs are generally only used to display text due to their poor expressiveness.
2. Dual primary colors – the light-emitting pixels that make up the LED display have two colors of red and green, which can display a variety of colors depending on the combination of different gray levels of the two primary colors of red and green. Although the dual-primary color screen cannot achieve the full-color display effect, it has been widely used due to its relatively high performance and price. Text, pictures, animations and video images can be displayed. In theory, 256*256 colors can be modulated. But it’s all between red and green.
3. Full color – The light-emitting pixels that make up the LED display have three colors of red, green and blue. Depending on the combination of different gray levels of the three primary colors of red, green and blue, the colors of nature can be better restored. Theoretically, it can be adjusted to 256* With 256*256 colors, this color can basically display all the colors that our naked eyes can distinguish. That’s why it’s called full color. It has rich expressive power. In theory, its color reproduction ability exceeds that of TV sets. With the decline in the price of blue chips, the production cost of full-color screens continues to decrease, which will become the development direction of LED displays.